About Us

Who We Are
The Pillager Family Center currently serves as a "go-to" for community members. With two offices we serve as the liaison between Cass County and the Pillager School District. Our main office houses our Food Shelf and many County forms and references a community member might need. In addition we offer teleconference video services with County workers, WIC Clinics, Food Shelf, MAC and NAPS distribution, and serve as an information spot. Our satellite office is adjacent to the Pillager Elementary School. From here we coordinate the Little Huskies Daycare, Early Childhood Family Education programs, ECSE, Pre-school, and Head Start. Because we are so centrally located in two different locations, we are able to meet our communities needs in ways other entities may not.
Our History
The Pillager Family Council, referred to as the Pillager Family Center or Family Center, was established in 1992 for charitable and educational purposes. More specifically, to help ensure that all families in the greater Pillager area have what they need in order to do what is best for themselves and their children by offering centralized, community driven services. The Pillager Family Center was incorporated on December 23, 1994. The Family Center’s goal is to develop community-based services with local input. The concept began after the governing body of Cass County gathered input from citizens. The number one concern was the ability of people residing in Cass County to be able to access services provided by the County. Pillager lies sixty miles from Walker, the county seat, and from where most of these services were offered. It was a financial and physical constraint for some people to travel there. A decision was made to locate a Family Center in the City of Pillager, located in the extreme south end of Cass County. The Family Center has grown to be more than a co-location of county services and continues to provide many programs and services for the Pillager community members.
Our Current Work
The mission of the Pillager Family Center is “Empowering and strengthening families to build a strong Pillager community.” All families need help at some time in their lives, but not all families need the same intensity of support. That is what the Family Center is about; helping families and children where they are in their lives and being available at the earliest stage of development to strengthen coping capacities. Parents do not have fixed capacities and needs; like their children they are developing and changing and need support through difficult phases of life. The Family Center’s programs are here to help parents, concentrating on the years when their children are young, and being there as the children, and the parents, grow.
Our Future
We see our future continuing to grow as the Pillager community expands and grows. We are pleased and proud of our current partnerships and we are constantly looking for new ways we can meet our communities needs to ensure all families are empowered and strengthened to be the best families they can be.