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Pillager Family Center Programs:
The Pillager Family Center is providing services differently during this time. See program page for more details about each program.
For the food shelf, county related services and resource referral, please call or email Michele (218-746-4009 or
For Fun Stop, please call or email Kim (218-746-2140 or
For Little Huskies, please call or email Ashley O. (218-746-2148 or
New Pickleball courts in Pillager!
Pickleball courts are ready!
There was an Open House and ribbon cutting event on Saturday, July 13th as part of the Pillager Cass County Fair activities. We thanked major donors who helped make these courts possible. Free pickles on a stick were given away as well as free pickleball balls. Pickleball game demonstrations and mini lessons were given as well as information on how to play pickleball.
Thank you to everyone who supported this project and for everyone who is utilizing this new treasure in Pillager!

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